The International Center for Missing and Exploited Children

For over 20 years, the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) has worked across over 120 countries to create a safer world for children. By working to protect children around the world from abduction and exploitation, resources are created to support governments, law enforcement, NGOs, and families on prevention as well as the appropriate actions to take in the event a child does go missing.

Through our inaugural collection with the artist Jeff KOONS and Qatar Museums, we are funding ICMEC's crucial work. KOONS, who became a board member at ICMEC in 2002, and in 2007 co-founded The Koons Family Institute on International Law & Policy as the organization’s research arm, has a deeply personal connection to the causes his collection will fund.

“Today, an organization like the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children is there to effectively find lost and abducted children and help reunite families, which wasn’t the case years ago. There are all forms of abduction, and ICMEC has created partnerships throughout the world to deal with these issues; they are available to help families and help make the ending of these stories be as positive as possible.” – Jeff KOONS